フルブライト奨学金倍率は?合格のコツ書類編1 英文履歴書CV・研究計画書・エッセイ公開


前回、社会人向け海外大学院奨学金 受かりやすいのはどれ?難易度ランクと合格書類の書き方コツで世銀奨学金やフルブライト、ロータリーなどいくつか簡単に倍率など紹介しました。




  • 願書(エッセイ・研究計画書・大学院候補・審査グループなど)
  • 履歴書
  • 英文成績(在籍)・卒業証明書
  • 英文推薦状3通
  • TOEFL/IELTSスコアレポート










Osaka University, BA in Economics                                              4/2016 – 3/2020

Areas of specialisation: Development Economics (Major), International Media (Minor)


Journalist, International Broadcast Department, (会社名), Tokyo, Japan           7/2021- present

  • Developing stories and feature ideas, conducting interviews, writing scripts, and overseeing editing of VTRs for broadcast on international news, particularly on conflicts and refugee issues around the world.
  • Designing and anchoring a TV commentary programme on air strikes and arms business.
  • Following leads from news agencies, the public, press conferences, and other sources; researching, verifying, and collating evidence and information to support stories, using the Internet, archives, databases, and other relevant sources.
  • Identifying necessary resources, deploying and managing technical crews for on-location filming, including audio operators and camera crews, and preparing and presenting pre-recorded and live broadcast material.

Writer/PR manager, Global News View http://globalnewsview.org/, Online          

  • Creating its contents, from data analysis to writing articles and many kinds of infographics (such as charts, graphs and maps). Using Illustrator, Photoshop and Piktochart, made reader-friendly illustrations from complex datasets.
  • By taking account of the access statistics at different times of the day, improved social media engagement and increased the number of web views per day from 300 to ●.

Professional officer, Mining and Metals Finance Department                        4/2020- 6/2021

Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Tokyo, Japan

Communication Officer, United Nations Information Center (UNIC) Lusaka, Zambia   9/2019- 2/2020

  • Organized seminars, symposiums and educational outreach activities to schools for the promotion of SDGs.
  • Interviewed and wrote articles about the activities of UN agencies in Zambia and publicized them in newsletters, on the UNIC website and on social networking sites.
  • Led and created a program in collaboration with FIFA that promotes gender equality and health in Zambian schools and implemented it throughout the country.

Fundraising/Programme Officer Accept International, Kenya and Japan              9/2018- 9/2019 

  • Raised US$50,000 to make a rehabilitation program for former Al-Shabaab soldiers in Somalia a reality in cooperation with UN-HABITAT and the Somali government.
  • Organized a series of educational and entertaining events to promote voluntary financial contributions by engaging individuals, businesses, and charitable foundations.
  • Conducted a skill training program and monitored microfinance for Somali refugee gangsters in Kenya to rehabilitate.

Interpreter, G20 Osaka Summit, Osaka, Japan                                             6/2019

Interpreted foreign media at the G20 Osaka Summit.

Student Researcher, Philippines Field Study Group 2019, Los Banos, Philippines            2/2019                          

Osaka University and the University of the Philippines at Los Banos

  • Researched the effectiveness of The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, which is a cash grant to the poorest of the poor by the Philippine government with an aim of improving the health, nutrition, and education of children.
  • Interviewed the head of the city’s Social Services and Youth Development Office,village councilors and households who arebeneficiaries of the program.  

Student researcher, Peace& Conflict Field Study, Copperbelt, Zambia             10/2018-11/2018

Osaka University and Copperbelt University

  • Discussed with members of Congress and local university students about peace and security in Africa, visited an elementary school and a hospital in a poor community, and copper mine
  • Project Officer, NICE (Never-ending International work Camps Exchange)                   2/2018
  • Batu Lonceng, Indonesia
  • Organized a training program on waste management in the community and managed to involve many participants by cooperating with other volunteers of different nationalities.


“The Business of Secondhand Clothing and the Reality in Africa”

Nippon TV, Uchiyama, Mizuki, 2/2023

Current Food Crisis in West Africa” ~Original interviews with UN WFP Regional Director for West Africa~ Nippon TV, Uchiyama, Mizuki, 10/2022

  • “Aren’t Kurds people? Persecution, rejection of refugee applications… Kurdish people in Japan complain” Nippon TV, Uchiyama, Mizuki, 6/2022
  • This Kurdish refugee documentary was awarded by Nippon TV for having a significant impact on society.
  • https://news.ntv.co.jp/category/international/c902d11aeae14303b919e0218aa47b04
  • Yemen’s severe food crisis is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis”~Original interview with the head of the UN WFP Yemen Office~ Nippon TV, Uchiyama, Mizuki, 3/2022
  • “Data show that more than half of the casualties were civilians… What is the reality of airstrikes and civilian casualties?” Nippon TV, Uchiyama, Mizuki, 11/2021
  • https://news.ntv.co.jp/category/international/980466
  • “95% of Afghan families not getting enough food” Nippon TV, Uchiyama, Mizuki, 10/2021
  • Regime change in Algeria?” Global News Views, Uchiyama, Mizuki, 5/2019
  • “The Effect of 4Ps to Reduce Child labour in Philippines
  • Osaka University, Uchiyama, Mizuki, 3/2019
  • “Major gap between UN activity and Japanese media report”
  • Global News Views, Uchiyama, Mizuki, 10/2018
  • “Country sandwiched between the regional powers: Lebanon”
  • Global News Views, Uchiyama, Mizuki, 5/2018


英文エッセイ(Personal Statement)の書き方・サンプル例

私はこれで提出しました。(ヘッダーにPersonal Statement、名前)


I aim to study journalism in the United States to create an inclusive and objective information environment for a comprehensive understanding of global issues.

During my interactions with individuals from 43 countries affected by conflicts, poverty, and climate change, I’ve noticed a tendency in international journalism in Japan to prioritize wealthy and powerful regions, while overlooking coverage of the “Global South.” This prioritization is influenced by factors such as nationality, race, and socioeconomic status, rather than solely considering the scale or significance of the events.

Motivated by this awareness of the problem, I have devoted over five years since 2018 to shedding light on global issues that often go unnoticed in Japan.

One of my significant endeavors is my involvement with “Global New View (GNV),” an online media platform operated by Osaka University Media Research Institute. As a writer for GNV, I collect and present underreported global events and issues in Japan while analyzing trends and gathering data on Japan’s international journalism for deeper insights. As a leader in public relations strategy, I successfully enhanced GNV’s social media presence, resulting in a significant increase in daily site visits from 300 to 1000.

Furthermore, I work as a journalist in the international news department of a Japanese television station. With a proactive approach, I report on conflicts and food crises in overlooked regions while fostering collaboration between my work and GNV. A notable achievement includes the production and broadcast of a documentary highlighting the plight of Kurdish refugees, which gained over a million YouTube views and generated substantial medical aid donations. The documentary received recognition for its impactful reporting.

Despite my active engagement both within and outside of news organizations, the situation has not substantially improved. The media’s extensive coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has generated significant humanitarian aid and public attention. However, equally devastating situations in Myanmar and Yemen are overlooked, leading to a chronic lack of humanitarian assistance. To understand the underlying reasons for these disparities academically, I have decided to pursue studies abroad.

The United States places great emphasis on international journalism and provides an ideal environment for advancing research. By studying there, I hope to contribute to the activities of GNV and propose effective solutions as a journalist in the future.


英文研究計画書(Research Proposal)の書き方・サンプル例






Project Title

Exploring Discrepancies between Reported and Unreported Conflicts

Background and Research Objectives

In today’s world, armed conflicts are prevalent and cause significant human suffering. However, it is evident, as seen from the coverage of the Ukrainian conflict, that some conflicts receive extensive media coverage while others remain largely unreported. This research aims to delve into the factors that shape media coverage of conflicts, seeking to uncover the reasons behind the disparities in attention. By analyzing and comparing conflict reporting across various countries and news outlets, this study aims to identify the determinants of media attention and reveal common patterns among conflicts.

Subjects and Methods

This research will assess conflicts in different countries, considering key indicators such as death tolls, refugee numbers, and the need for humanitarian assistance. It will provide a comprehensive examination of conflict scales.

Analyzing country-specific coverage of conflicts by multiple media outlets. This analysis will include evaluating the quantity and content of news reports.

A comparative analysis will be conducted to juxtapose the scale of conflicts with their corresponding media coverage, allowing for an assessment of the relationship between conflict magnitude and media attention.

Significance and Impact of the Study

This research holds academic significance by addressing the knowledge gap regarding the factors influencing media coverage of conflicts. By contributing to the field of media studies, particularly agenda-setting and agenda-building research, this study aims to enhance our understanding of how conflicts are portrayed in the media. From a societal perspective, unreported conflicts often suffer from insufficient humanitarian aid and lack attention in diplomatic efforts towards peace. This study seeks to shed light on the role of media in conflict resolution and raise awareness of the factors that shape news value in conflict reporting. Ultimately, the findings aim to identify potential avenues for improving media practices and promoting more comprehensive and balanced coverage of conflicts.


Norman, Solomon. (2023). War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine

Hawkins, Virgil. (2011). “Media selectivity and the other side of the CNN effect: the consequences of not paying attention to conflict.” Media, War & Conflict, 4(1), 55-68.

Hawkins, Virgil. (2008). “Stealth Conflicts: How the World’s Violence is Ignored.” Ashgate Publishing, Ltd



