







  • 自己紹介簡単に
  • ロータリーについて知ってること教えて
  • ロータリーが特に力を入れてる活動はなに?
  • なぜロータリーに応募?
  • もうジャーナリストとしての経験あるけどなぜ留学必要?
  • どのような授業をとるつもり?平和構築と関係ある?
  • 英語:ロータリー地域でシンポジウムなどいろいろあるけどどれくらい参加したい?
  • 将来のキャリアプラン
  • 43か国行ったらしいがどこでどんな活動していたの?
  • 英語:海外でメディア平和構築の番組制作をするのは各地で地域の言語で放送するから言語面で難しいと思うけど、どうやって行うの?



Thank you very much for having me today.

  1. Tell me about yourself. 


With a strong passion for amplifying the voices of citizens suffering from conflict, I am currently working as a journalist in the international news department of a Japanese TV station. Leveraging my experience as a journalist, I aspire to become a media specialist contributing to conflict prevention and peacebuilding in the future. That’s why I am eager to pursue further education in the UK.

  • Tell me about your research proposal briefly.

My research aims to understand the factors influencing media coverage of armed conflicts through a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses. I will analyze conflict coverage quantitatively, interview media professionals to uncover decision-making factors, and interview conflict stakeholders for deeper insights. This research seeks to enhance the balanced and informed portrayal of global events in the media.

  • Please explain how the major program relates to the basic policies of the chosen focus area.

My specialization: Media and global development is closely related to the Rotary’s goals in peacebuilding and conflict resolution, such as:

Training of local community members in peace education, peace leadership, and conflict prevention and resolution.

Providing services that help integrate vulnerable populations into society.

In the realm of media, there is a dual potential: on one hand, it can incite hatred between nations and ethnic groups, but on the other hand, it plays a crucial role in preventing and resolving conflicts by delivering the voices of marginalized individuals to the local community, fostering civic dialogue, and altering perceptions. This is why support for building such media is undertaken as part of peacebuilding efforts in conflict-affected countries. In this specialization program, I study not only the humanitarian crises and their underlying causes, but also develop the skills to contribute to media support for peacebuilding.

2)Why UEA?

In my choice of the University of East Anglia’s Media and Global Development, there are courses available that focus on learning how to utilize media for building a peaceful world. Additionally, there are practical programs where I can learn how to employ media for promoting humanitarian aid and design the media and develop the projects.

In particular, the book “Humanitarian Journalists: Covering Crises from a Boundary Zone,” authored by Professor Martin Scott at the University of East Anglia in December 2022, closely relates to my research theme. I have already established contact with him, and he has expressed keen interest in my research. His extensive expertise in humanitarian journalism further solidifies my belief that these courses are an ideal match for my academic and career goals.

3)What previous education or experience has sparked your interest in the major program of study at the institution you have indicated? Please explain.

I have visited 43 countries in Africa and Asia, and have spoken directly with people suffering from conflict. One of the most memorable stories I have heard is from a person I met in Rwanda. He told me that when he was in elementary school, his parents were killed by a neighbor, and his teacher was killed by another teacher in class, during the 1994 genocide.

One significant contributing factor to the large-scale genocide, was the presence of radio broadcasts that dehumanized the Tutsi people by labeling them as “cockroaches.” On the contrary, I learned about the significant impact of radio drama broadcasts. These broadcasts portrayed families from both ethnic backgrounds living side by side, overcoming trials, and deepening their bonds. They effectively reshaped perceptions and attitudes toward other ethnic groups, emphasizing the potential for problem resolution through dialogue rather than violence.

It was through these experiences that I developed a keen interest in media support for conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

4)Describe your academic goal

Academic Goals:

My academic goal is to acquire knowledge and skills related to media support for conflict prevention and peacebuilding. I aim to gain a deep understanding of the tools that are valuable for reporting on complex issues in conflict. Additionally, I want to learn how to ethically and respectfully report on the most vulnerable individuals and victims. By doing so, I aim to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for reporting that can contribute to peacebuilding and conflict prevention in practical terms.

Career Goals:

My career goal is to contribute to conflict prevention as a media specialist in international NGOs. There is still a shortage of experts who are well-versed in both media and peacebuilding, and I aspire to become a leading professional in this field. I want to contribute to the development of fair and unbiased media capacity that does not promote hatred, thus aiding in conflict prevention and the establishment of democracy.

The specialization program offers a rich array of media experts and courses specializing in conflict, humanitarian crises, and development. It provides the ideal environment to deepen my knowledge and understanding, which are necessary to achieve my academic and career goals.

5) What community needs do you plan to address during or after your study abroad? How will you apply what you have learned in your research to address those needs in the long term?

There is a growing need for media building for peacebuilding in various communities in different countries. For example, in the Mindanao region of the Philippines, after more than 40 years of armed conflict between the central government and Muslims, a path of peace has finally been chosen.

Currently, the region is in the process of transitioning from a provisional to an autonomous government, new laws have been enacted to accommodate the Muslim population in an effort to resolve the conflict, and various countries are providing assistance in the form of infrastructure development, capacity building in administrative management, and disarmament of soldiers.

However, conflicts still remain between Christians and Muslims among the general population in Mindanao, discrimination is commonplace, and mutual communication is poor and hostile where it exists. To achieve national reconciliation, people’s perceptions need to change.

I would like to serve as a facilitator for reconciliation by creating a media environment that provides accurate information to clear up misunderstandings on both sides, and by producing TV programs and short films that promote mutual understanding and empathy on both sides, with both Christians and Muslims.

Also. In order to address this need in the long term, it is essential to involve many young people in the community. I would like to pass on the knowledge and skills I have gained through my research to local youth and develop their ability to produce their own programs, leading to sustainable peacebuilding.

  • Why Rotary?
  • Why do you want to take part in Rotary?

I want to join the Rotary because of the chance to connect with outstanding individuals around the world in the field of peacebuilding. Additionally, I share the Rotaries’ aspiration to make a positive impact on society and aim to collaborate with experts in various fields to innovate program to address humanitarian challenges.

Furthermore, I have had several chances to talk with individuals who have received Rotary scholarships, and I hold deep respect for their dedication to building careers aimed at making the world a better place.

Additionally, I have a strong desire to establish enduring relationships with Rotarians and local residents. By engaging with individuals from a wide range of generations, which would be challenging to accomplish solely within a graduate school environment, I aim to gain insights into the culture and issues of the region. I also look forward to experiencing their diverse perspectives and values.

6) explain about Rotary

Rotary aspire to create a world where people come together to take action for sustainable positive change, globally, within their local communities, and within themselves.

Since its founding in Chicago, Rotary has been a platform for individuals from various professions and community leaders to become “people of action” for over 110 years. They have leveraged their experiences and knowledge to engage in community service and humanitarian activities, making a sustainable impact in a wide range of fields, such as literacy improvement, peacebuilding, and water and sanitation enhancement. Every day, Rotary members are active somewhere in the world, working towards creating lasting, positive influence.

  • Why do you want to study in the U.K.?  Why do you need to study abroad?

I want to study in the UK because it’s a global leader in international journalism.UK is at the forefront of innovative international journalism using of cutting-edge digital technologies. UEA graduate programs offer specialized knowledge and skills in investigative journalism related to international human rights issues, which I aspire to acquire and bring back to Japan.

  • Do you think the importance of volunteer in the UK? Do you plan?

I view volunteering as an essential component of my study in the UK.

First and foremost, volunteering provides an opportunity for me to actively engage with local community. It’s a way to express my gratitude for the hospitality and to become a contributing member of the community.

Secondly, volunteering allows me to gain a deeper understanding of the society, culture, and the challenges faced by different segments of the population. This experience will undoubtedly benefit my journalism studies.

So, I am eager to contribute my time and effort to make a positive impact.

  • What is the problem Japanese media faces?

Japanese media faces a significant problem of imbalanced and limited global news coverage, with geographical disparities. Global challenges such as inequality, poverty, and armed conflicts, even if they occur in distant countries, have implications and responsibilities that extend beyond geographical boundaries. In today’s interconnected world, individuals can either exacerbate or mitigate these challenges, but incomplete media coverage hinders informed engagement. I aim to study in an American graduate program to learn knowledge and skills for uncovering and reporting on overlooked humanitarian crises worldwide, contributing to addressing this issue.

  •  What challenges do you experience as Journalist?

As a journalist, I’ve faced challenges, notably addressing imbalanced international reporting. Despite my active engagement in reporting on Global South issues, there are noticeable disparities where events in regions like Ukraine receive extensive coverage, while places like Myanmar and Yemen are often neglected. This imbalance is partially due to underreporting of conflict events or social unrest less likely to be discovered by the news media.

Therefore, I am keen to study cutting-edge reporting on international human rights issues in the UK and bring this knowledge back to developing countries.

  1. What challenges do you think you may have while studying in the UK?

I anticipate several challenges while studying in the UK. Adapting to the different living environment may be initially challenging.

However, I believe my strengths, including resilience and adaptability in high-stress situations, will help me overcome these challenges. My past experience of working in Zambia, where I was the only Japanese person and faced significant cultural differences and daily power outages, taught me to maintain a positive mindset in adversity. Therefore, while challenges are expected, I am confident in my ability to adapt and thrive in the new environment.














私たちは、世界で、地域社会で、そして自分自身の中で、持続可能な良い変化を生むために、人びとが手を取り合って行動する世界を目指しています。 1905 年にシカゴで創設されたロータリーでは、110年以上、さまざまな職業をもつ人や市民のリーダーが「世界を変える行動人」となり、その経験と知識を生かして社会奉仕活動や人道的活動に取り組んできました。識字率向上、平和構築、水と衛生の改善など、幅広い分野で持続可能な影響をもたらすために、ロータリーの会員は毎日、世界のどこかで活動しています。






